2021 Business Meeting
Due to COVID, this year's meeting will be conducted online, although this is different from past years it satisfies the legal requirements for the State of California during these times in which physical gathering is restricted. All information for the meeting is provided on this page and all members of VVCC will receive a separate email with a link to complete voting via online means. VVCC is taking measures to ensure that those members who do not have email addresses on file are able to participate in voting through alternative means. Those who have not received an email link to the voting tool are encouraged to contact the VVCC office ([email protected]) by Wednesday, January 20th.
Item 1: Vote to Approve 2020 Business Meeting Minutes

2020congmeet.pdf |
Item 2: Pastor's Report
What a year. 2020 started with great enthusiasm and quickly devolved into a journey into the unknown. Sadly, although a little more is understood about the virus causing all the havoc, we largely remain in the throes of the unknown.
As you know, on March 13, 2020, we followed much of the country in shutting down our normal operating procedures by canceling the weekend’s worship service in order to do our part in honoring the “two weeks to flatten the curve” plan. What was meant to be two weeks in now dangerously close to a full year. As I am writing this we approach our 41st week having not gathered in our building for a corporate worship service. With the virus currently mutating and cases on the rise in our high desert community it is still unsafe and gathering indoors remains unadvisable.
It goes without saying that this has been an incredibly difficult year…for all of us. Having not gathered for months I believe we have all learned just how important and valuable those weekly gatherings are.
Last year, by following the national, state, and county guidelines to refrain from gathering meant we needed to quickly develop a much more robust online presence where we could still offer worship experiences and opportunities. Neil, Tammy, and I put our heads together and in conjunction with an incredibly committed team of volunteers we cobbled together weekly worship services. As the weeks progressed and we realized we were going to be in this predicament for the unforeseeable future we invested in the equipment that allowed us to improve our production and presentation of our services. While less than ideal we are very pleased that we have the ability to continue to “gather” together in our homes and take in worship services to encourage us and foster our connection with the church and with Jesus.
I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have stuck it out with us. As difficult as it has been to lead and preach and sing and speak into a camera in an empty facility we know it has been equally as difficult to take in the services online and apart from others. Thank you for hanging in there and continuing to call VVCC your home.
I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to appreciate the rest of the church staff…Neil Harris, Tammy Grebel, Tyler Hoyt, Taryn Tejeda, Veronica Taylor, Robyn Hernandez, and Kimala Fowler all had to adjust on the fly and do whatever they could to keep plugging forward during this most difficult year. I’ll even include Nathan Baldwin and Joel Ceballos who provided worship content each and every week to be included in our services. I am proud of each of these individuals for their patience, their service, their care, and their commitment to our church and our God. To each of them…thank you!!
I should mention our elders Jon Williams, Tom Keightley, Greg McMahon, and Sabbatical Elders Ed Harris, and Mitch James have been incredibly supportive in encouraging the staff, affirming the decision to stay online, and praying for the health and well being of our congregation.
Not surprisingly, God continued to work through the difficult circumstances. Despite all the challenges we were still able to see 5 people baptized in 2020. Thanks to the gracious generosity of our sponsors we were able to continue to support orphans in Migori, Kenya. Through our weekly offering we lent support to DeepStream Ministries in Guatemala, Upper Hill Christian Church in Migori, Kenya, Moses House in Victorville, as well as help church and community families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
While we remain unsure of what 2021 will look like we continue to formulate plans for when we can gather again. Of course we will have to consider state and county guidelines, but the staff is taking appropriate measures to have plans in place so when we get the go ahead to gather again we will be ready.
To all who have faithfully supported the mission and ministry of VVCC through regular, sacrificial, generous giving…thank you. While we quickly needed to adjust last year’s budget and reprioritize expenditures to match our current situation we were able to successfully navigate our way through 2020 and maintain a positive balance in the general fund all while seeing that none of our Missions commitments were missed. God is good!
This year we will be handling the annual budget a bit differently than normal. Given the unknown nature of our ability to gather again and how that might impact finances we will be addressing the budget on a quarter by quarter basis. This means we will prioritize those line items that ensure our church continues to operate. As we evaluate each quarter funds may be released for other expenditures if available. While this is slightly different than how we typically operate we trust that God will see us through and he will provide the necessary funds to accomplish his will.
One final word…this month we say goodbye to one of our pastors, Neil Harris, and his family. Soon they will be off to their new home and new lives in Arkansas. While I am sad to see them go, I am glad to have had the 22 years of friendship and 13 years of ministry partnership with Neil. I hope you take a moment to reach out to Neil and let him know how much you appreciate all he’s done for our church.
Nathan Baldwin and Caleb Catherwood have agreed to step up and fill some of the void Neil leaves behind. Nathan and Caleb will continue to see that our weekly services are top notch and ready to go every week.
With that, I thank you, one more time for being such a vital part of VVCC and for hanging in there with us as we continue to journey through the unknown. I hope and pray that sooner than later this year we have the opportunity to open our doors and gather together once again.
I love and miss you.
What a year. 2020 started with great enthusiasm and quickly devolved into a journey into the unknown. Sadly, although a little more is understood about the virus causing all the havoc, we largely remain in the throes of the unknown.
As you know, on March 13, 2020, we followed much of the country in shutting down our normal operating procedures by canceling the weekend’s worship service in order to do our part in honoring the “two weeks to flatten the curve” plan. What was meant to be two weeks in now dangerously close to a full year. As I am writing this we approach our 41st week having not gathered in our building for a corporate worship service. With the virus currently mutating and cases on the rise in our high desert community it is still unsafe and gathering indoors remains unadvisable.
It goes without saying that this has been an incredibly difficult year…for all of us. Having not gathered for months I believe we have all learned just how important and valuable those weekly gatherings are.
Last year, by following the national, state, and county guidelines to refrain from gathering meant we needed to quickly develop a much more robust online presence where we could still offer worship experiences and opportunities. Neil, Tammy, and I put our heads together and in conjunction with an incredibly committed team of volunteers we cobbled together weekly worship services. As the weeks progressed and we realized we were going to be in this predicament for the unforeseeable future we invested in the equipment that allowed us to improve our production and presentation of our services. While less than ideal we are very pleased that we have the ability to continue to “gather” together in our homes and take in worship services to encourage us and foster our connection with the church and with Jesus.
I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have stuck it out with us. As difficult as it has been to lead and preach and sing and speak into a camera in an empty facility we know it has been equally as difficult to take in the services online and apart from others. Thank you for hanging in there and continuing to call VVCC your home.
I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to appreciate the rest of the church staff…Neil Harris, Tammy Grebel, Tyler Hoyt, Taryn Tejeda, Veronica Taylor, Robyn Hernandez, and Kimala Fowler all had to adjust on the fly and do whatever they could to keep plugging forward during this most difficult year. I’ll even include Nathan Baldwin and Joel Ceballos who provided worship content each and every week to be included in our services. I am proud of each of these individuals for their patience, their service, their care, and their commitment to our church and our God. To each of them…thank you!!
I should mention our elders Jon Williams, Tom Keightley, Greg McMahon, and Sabbatical Elders Ed Harris, and Mitch James have been incredibly supportive in encouraging the staff, affirming the decision to stay online, and praying for the health and well being of our congregation.
Not surprisingly, God continued to work through the difficult circumstances. Despite all the challenges we were still able to see 5 people baptized in 2020. Thanks to the gracious generosity of our sponsors we were able to continue to support orphans in Migori, Kenya. Through our weekly offering we lent support to DeepStream Ministries in Guatemala, Upper Hill Christian Church in Migori, Kenya, Moses House in Victorville, as well as help church and community families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
While we remain unsure of what 2021 will look like we continue to formulate plans for when we can gather again. Of course we will have to consider state and county guidelines, but the staff is taking appropriate measures to have plans in place so when we get the go ahead to gather again we will be ready.
To all who have faithfully supported the mission and ministry of VVCC through regular, sacrificial, generous giving…thank you. While we quickly needed to adjust last year’s budget and reprioritize expenditures to match our current situation we were able to successfully navigate our way through 2020 and maintain a positive balance in the general fund all while seeing that none of our Missions commitments were missed. God is good!
This year we will be handling the annual budget a bit differently than normal. Given the unknown nature of our ability to gather again and how that might impact finances we will be addressing the budget on a quarter by quarter basis. This means we will prioritize those line items that ensure our church continues to operate. As we evaluate each quarter funds may be released for other expenditures if available. While this is slightly different than how we typically operate we trust that God will see us through and he will provide the necessary funds to accomplish his will.
One final word…this month we say goodbye to one of our pastors, Neil Harris, and his family. Soon they will be off to their new home and new lives in Arkansas. While I am sad to see them go, I am glad to have had the 22 years of friendship and 13 years of ministry partnership with Neil. I hope you take a moment to reach out to Neil and let him know how much you appreciate all he’s done for our church.
Nathan Baldwin and Caleb Catherwood have agreed to step up and fill some of the void Neil leaves behind. Nathan and Caleb will continue to see that our weekly services are top notch and ready to go every week.
With that, I thank you, one more time for being such a vital part of VVCC and for hanging in there with us as we continue to journey through the unknown. I hope and pray that sooner than later this year we have the opportunity to open our doors and gather together once again.
I love and miss you.
Item 3: Financial Overview
General Fund
2020 Actual |
2020 Budget |
2021 Budget |
Tithes & Offerings |
$525,114.45 |
$594,505.20 |
$475,667.48 |
Total Expenditures |
$562,806.14 |
$594,505.20 |
$475,667.48 |
Difference |
($37, 691.69) |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Missions Fund
2020 Actual |
2020 Budget |
2021 Budget |
Tithes & Offerings |
$51,760.00 |
$57,600.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Total Expenditures |
$55,061.84 |
$57,600.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Difference |
($3,301.84) |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Full financial reports available, for additional information contact Kimala ([email protected]).
Item 4: Vote to Approve Incoming Elders (3 Year Term)

Brandon Taylor
Hello, my name is Brandon Taylor, I'm 38 years old. Ive been currently working in the aerospace industry for 17 years now in the High desert. I've been Married to Veronica Taylor for almost 16 years and we have three kids, Hailey 15, Madison 14, and Nicholas 12. Been attending VVCC for 11 years. Ministries im currently serving in, children's ministries, men's group, greeter, maintenence team, and have been serving as a decon for several years now.
Hello, my name is Brandon Taylor, I'm 38 years old. Ive been currently working in the aerospace industry for 17 years now in the High desert. I've been Married to Veronica Taylor for almost 16 years and we have three kids, Hailey 15, Madison 14, and Nicholas 12. Been attending VVCC for 11 years. Ministries im currently serving in, children's ministries, men's group, greeter, maintenence team, and have been serving as a decon for several years now.

Sergio Tejeda
Sergio Tejeda is a 12-year member of VVCC. He has served for several years in the children’s ministry and currently serves in Basecamp, life group ministries, and Men’s group. He is an operations manager for a local manufacturing company and lives in Victorville with his wife Taryn of 19 years and their three boys Gavin, Caleb, and Lucas.
Sergio Tejeda is a 12-year member of VVCC. He has served for several years in the children’s ministry and currently serves in Basecamp, life group ministries, and Men’s group. He is an operations manager for a local manufacturing company and lives in Victorville with his wife Taryn of 19 years and their three boys Gavin, Caleb, and Lucas.

Ed Harris
Ed has attended and been a member of VVCC for 29 years. He has been married to Marilyn for 42 years and is the father of two sons. He graduated from Cal Poly Pomona and prior to retiring worked at Sierra Aluminum in Riverside where over a 30+ years he held positions including, CFO, President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board. Ed serves at VVCC as a Greeter, Life Group leader, Elder, and church Treasurer.
Ed has attended and been a member of VVCC for 29 years. He has been married to Marilyn for 42 years and is the father of two sons. He graduated from Cal Poly Pomona and prior to retiring worked at Sierra Aluminum in Riverside where over a 30+ years he held positions including, CFO, President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board. Ed serves at VVCC as a Greeter, Life Group leader, Elder, and church Treasurer.
Item 5: Vote to Approve Treasurer (1 Year Term)
Ed Harris (See Bio Above)
This concludes the 2021 Business Meeting of Victor Valley Christian Church.