It is so important to feel like we belong somewhere. Feeling like we belong makes us more committed and helps prioritize our activities. I want Victor Valley Christian Church to be a place where each of us belongs. There are various ways you can belong. One very important way is to belong to a Life Group. Life Groups at VVCC exist to build community within VVCC by connecting, growing and serving. Through Life Groups we make meaningful connections with others and build trust enough to open up. It is a place to dig deeper into scripture and discover applications that are specific to our lives. It is also a safe place to experience the accountability, support and encouragement of others. My husband and I have been a part of Life Groups for many years. They have been a place where we formed meaningful friendships. A place where we created bonds that last a lifetime. Life Groups have been a place where we have been able to care for people in the VVCC community. They have also been a place for our faith to be strengthened. We have been able to grow in our relationship with Jesus, our knowledge of the Bible and been able to assist others in their growth. Life Groups are a place to belong. It is my desire that everyone belong.
In order to belong, a commitment must be made. I have found that my relationships do not grow unless I make the commitment. The same is true for a Life Group. What kind of commitment is required in a Life Group? The first is to commit to the meeting time. Life Group needs to be a priority. It needs to be something that does not get pushed aside for something else. Relationships cannot cultivate if the time is not put into them or if other things are deemed more important. Another is to commit to be in God’s word and open to what He is teaching you. He will use your lesson and those in your group to lead and encourage you. In return, don’t be a mere spectator. Participate in the study and the lives of those in your group. It is amazing what can happen to a group that is committed. If you have not found a Life Group, I hope you will take advantage of this weekend's Life Group Connect Event. This will take place on Sunday, September 20th before, between and after services. This will be a great time to meet some of VVCC's Life Group leaders, and hopefully find a group and a place to belong. We want VVCC to be a place where you belong and are able to be committed and connected because you are important to us.
![]() Neil Harris Technical Arts Pastor ![]() Every kid grows up looking forward to summer. I certainly remember counting down those final days of school and looking forward the blazing heat of summer in the High Desert? Actually, I don't really remember what I was looking forward to back then except that I wouldn't have to get up and go to school each morning. So jump to the past couple weeks when as a parent I got to witness the build up of excitement as my kids approached the end of their school year and the start of their summer break. It's been fun to witness this anticipation of summer at home, and just as much fun to witness it taking place in various ministries at Victor Valley. Having the pleasure of being on staff means that these last few weeks I've been witness to an ever-increasing stream of preparations as we head into summer at the church. Summer at VVCC really kicked off a couple of weeks ago with Promotion Sunday and watching as wide-eyed and newly-minted "First Graders" walk into BASECAMP for the first time. Seeing these little one's approach the climbing wall for the first time is one of those experiences that makes being a part of the BASECAMP team extra awesome (or so I hear). Equally awesome is the thrill experienced by former "sixth graders" who on that Sunday begin their Junior High journey and experience worship with a live band and hearing the occasionally odd-ball, often funny and always challenging weekly message from Bryan and the team over in Pathway. From Promotion Sunday it's full steam ahead into Summer Jam, which as I write this blog post, we are smack dab in the midst of. Formerly referred to as VBS, this is the week that Victor Valley plays host to over 175 preschool and elementary aged children. These kids schedules are full as they will sing, play, snack, craft and actively participate in discovering valuable lessons from God's Word over the course of this week. This year's theme sees kids heading to the Summer Jam CIRCUS where under the watchful eye of our ringmaster and 90 volunteer team members they will discover what the Bible has to teach them about strength, courage, peace, direction and finding a place with God. The team has been hard at work creating an awesome environment for kids to have an awesome summer experience and I'm confident it is going to have a huge impact in the lives of our kids. Almost as soon as Summer Jam ends, we'll be right into the next major summer event as Bryan leads a team of youth and youth sponsors on a missions trip to Tucson, Arizona. The team leaves at 8 AM this coming Sunday (June 15th) and will spend the week ministering to refugees from Nepal and presenting the gospel to local children in a one day Summer Jam like event they will be leading while there. Stay tuned to this blog as beginning Tuesday and continuing through the week as we will be working with Bryan to post trip updates, sharing the experience the team is having and how you can be supporting the team in prayer.
We haven't even begun to hit on the various Summer Camp for 4th-6th graders, the MIX conference for Junior Highers, and the Move conference for High Schoolers, all of which we'll be posting updates about here on the blog. I'm particularly excited about the upcoming teaching series in which we'll be exploring what the book of Ephesians has to say about a person's identity in Christ, so we'll have a bit of a sneak preview of that as it gets closer. We'll also have some exciting news on cool new online "stuff" coming for the VVCC community, and a few more things that I think I'll keep a surprise for the time being (because aren't surprises part of the fun of summer?) We're looking forward to a great summer at Victor Valley and hope you are excited to be a part of it! ![]() By Bryan Ewing Youth Pastor On May 2nd from 7 to 8:30 pm Victor Valley's Student Ministry will be hosting a Youth Worship night as part of this year's 30 Hour Fast activities. The idea is to provide an evening where youth from around the valley can come to enjoy a time of worship and prayer. We have invited several youth groups from churches around the High desert to come and experience a worship concert led by VVCC's youth worship team. We have also invited another local youth pastor to lead a time of prayer where we will specifically focus on praying for the safety of our schools, the salvations of the students that attend those schools and for the families represented by those students, that they may find a local church to speak the gospel into their lives. ![]() The music featured during this evening will be contemporary Christian Rock and worship music that will provide an exciting atmosphere for students to center into a time of worship and to have a good time together. Feel free to plan on joining us as we launch what we hope will be an exciting worship event that could possibly take place several times a year at various locations throughout the High Desert. Download the event flyer here ![]() By Tammy Grebel Children & Women's Pastor ![]() A circus of fun awaits our preschool and elementary children. this summer we will be hosting a Summer JAM Circus. Where we will be learning how God is our strength in ALL THINGS!! During this exciting and fun filled week we will be learning about: Samson, THE STRONG MAN; Daniel, THE LION TAMER; Jonah, THE MAN SWALLOWED BY A FISH; Peter, THE MAN WHO WALKED ON WATER; and Zacchaus, THE ACROBAT. The Summer JAM Circus concludes with a special Midway of Games following Fridays activities where there will be even more snacks, games and prizes. Plan to have your child join us for fun, games, food and crafts. Your kid will not want to miss this Big Top Adventure, and be sure they invite their friends. We would hate for them to miss out! Our Summer JAM Circus is June 9-13; 9am-11:30 am. Registration begins for 3 year olds through 6th grade on Sunday, April 6. The cost is $10 per child if registered by May 25, and goes up to $15 if registering after May 25th. We can’t wait for this week of fun! To register you child visit Guest Relations and pick up a registration form, complete it and return it to Guest Relations along with your payment. For added convenience you can download the form, print it out complete it at home, and then drop it by Guest Relations the next time you are at church. |
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September 2015